Simple idle plant care game where you have a single plant and have to water it and watch it grow.

Current alpha version only has a single plant that grows in 1 minute.

Planned features:

  • Several plants of varying growth lengths that get unlocked as you grow the previous plants
  • Collection/Book of all your unlocked plants with stats/descriptions about them

Development log


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Love the concept, there is so much potential. Good luck

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much! I think this would make for a great mobile game and I'll probably port it at some point.


yo this is so cute.  im currently working on an idle game, the hardest part for me was figuring out score persistence. now i need to add in actual features, like art and a store for point multipliers


Thanks! Your game looks interesting, I'll be sure to check it out once I get to my PC. I'm currently working on adding more plants and a "collection" menu where you can see all your grown plant types